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Something for the Weekend: 14th May

Rachel Jones | May 13, 2016

Something to help you appreciate church…

“Let’s face it,” writes Erik Raymond, “church is pretty ordinary. But, let’s not miss it: while it is ordinary this does not mean that it is not important!” This blog post will open your eyes to some of the remarkable things happening at church that we often fail to notice.

Something for Bible teachers and small-group leaders…

Andrew Wilson was recently asked this question: “I want to get fresh revelation, but I also want to avoid leading people astray with howlers that would leave my more scholarly friends groaning. Any top tips?” He responds with 10 helpful pointers for anyone preparing a talk or Bible study.

Something for when you’re feeling sad…

“I feel sad sometimes, and it doesn’t go away,” says Ricky Alcantar. Have you experienced something similar? There’s some helpful advice for getting through short spells of spiritual melancholy in this article.

Something for parents…

“Just twenty minutes earlier, I yelled at my children. This was not a loving, firm correction, but an explosion. They disobeyed, and I lashed out at them.” Here are three essential words to say to your child on days like that.

Something to make you go hmm…

In the UK, London-based Minister Steve Chalke has launched an “Open Church Charter” to encourage churches to “offer marriage to couples regardless of gender identity and sexuality”. Be sure to read this compelling response from Ed Shaw.

Something to make you chuckle…

There’s been lots more amusing satire over on the Babylon Bee website in the past couple of weeks. Our favorite: “Man Feeds The Hungry At All Times, Uses Food If Necessary.”.

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Rachel Jones

Rachel Jones is the author of A Brief Theology of Periods (Yes, really), Is This It?, and several books in the award-winning Five Things to Pray series, and serves as Vice President (Editorial) at The Good Book Company. She helps teach kids and serves on the mission core team at her church, King's Church Chessington, in Surrey, UK.

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