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Both/And Ministry (ebook)

Both/And Ministry ebook

Living and Leading Like Jesus

from 6 reviews

Helps those involved in ministry to live and serve like Jesus.

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Gospel workers are called to be both/and people:

  • both patient and urgent,
  • both confident and humble,
  • both dependent on God and committed to hard work,
  • both theologically driven and practically wise, and more.

Often, these requirements feel as though they’re in tension. But this book shows that rather than leaning one way or the other, or seeking to strike a balance, authentic gospel ministry is found in pursuing both/and. To settle for less puts ourselves and our churches in danger.

Gary Millar has been involved in training hundreds of gospel workers at Queensland Theological College. Pointing to Christ as our supreme example, he helps readers to reflect on and refine their own ministry practice in a range of different areas—while also enjoying God's grace where they fall short.

As you look at all things through the lens of the gospel, you'll increasingly become the fully-formed follower of Jesus and servant of his church that you have been called to be.  

Ideal for church staff and lay leaders, students preparing for ministry, and ministry apprentices and interns, as well as for any Christian who is heavily involved in their local church. 

Product details


  • Introduction: On Playing the Didgeridoo (and Living a Genuinely Gospel-Shaped Life)

    1. Both/And Theology

    2. Both/And Identity

    3. Both/And Relationships

    4. Both/And Ministry

    5. Both/And Leadership

    6. Both/And Community

    7. Why a Both/And Life Is Worth the Effort


Contributors Gary Millar
ISBN 9781802542615
Format eBook
First published December 2024
Language English
Publisher The Good Book Company

Alistair Begg

Bible Teacher, Truth For Life; Senior Pastor, Parkside Church, Cleveland; Author, Pray Big and A Christian Manifesto

It takes a particular talent to accomplish what Gary Millar has done in this characteristically clear and profoundly helpful book. With a lightness of touch he helps us understand the keys to living a life truly grounded in the gospel and pursuing a ministry genuinely shaped by that gospel.

Michael S. Horton

Professor of Theology and Apologetics, Westminster Seminary, California

Christ is only our representative Savior. Or Christ is our example to follow. Why do these two have to be divided? My good friend Gary Millar challenges stalemates such as this with his usual pastoral and theological wisdom. This book should be read as widely as possible!

Nancy Guthrie

Bible teacher and author of the Seeing Jesus in the Old Testament series

It is so easy to settle into our personalities and preferences and surrender to ‘that’s-just-the-way-I-am-and-I-can’t-change.’ But when we do, we find that the Spirit is constantly at work pointing out the gaps between this approach and all that the gospel calls us to be. Both/And Ministry not only points out the gaps we may have become blind to; it also energizes us for ongoing repentance and faith until the day when all of the gaps are gone for good.

Customer reviews

Feb. 12, 2025

“A Helpful Leadership Resource”

(Review written for 'Both/And Ministry')

When in leadership, it's easy to sway too far in one direction with various dichotomies. We can stray so far into urgency and rush to get everything done that we forget to be patient. We can be so focused on growing a church that develops its members in discipleship that we forget that our mission is also to go out and share our faith with those who need to hear it. This short book is a helpful primer as we think about what it means to be a "fully-formed follower of Jesus", learning to balance these things well so that we can be both strong and weak, leading and serving, theological and practical. It would be a helpful read for church leadership teams to consider together, or perhaps for a homegroup together too

Feb. 5, 2025

“Good Reminders for Ministry Leaders”

(Review written for 'Both/And Ministry')

In this concise but much-needed book, Millar speaks to the challenges of church ministry, specifically in leadership. His writing is easily digestible, I felt like he was speaking to me as a mentor or friend, sharing his experience so that others could be encouraged and learn.

I needed the reminder that teachers/preachers also need to be sitting under someone's teaching. Like Millar, I am guility of always stepping to answer in a small group, or being overly willing to be the teacher instead of the student.

Both practical and theologically grounded--- this would be a good gift to give someone going into ministry, or stepping into a leadership role.

Feb. 4, 2025

“A Balanced Approach to Christian Leadership”

(Review written for 'Both/And Ministry')

Maybe you’ve noticed, but there is this constant tension in the Christian life as we think of who we are and who the Lord is. God is both loving, yet wrathful. He is Merciful, yet just. We are redeemed, yet sinners. We are citizens of heaven, yet we dwell here on Earth. In a similar vein, Millar brings out the existing tension we often face practically as ministers and pastors of God’s church. One example he offers is that we are “Both dependent on God and Committed to Working Hard.” This book offered a refreshing take on the intricacies of pastoral work that didn’t assume we need to be more of one thing than another. Millar offers a well-rounded and humble approach to the Christian ministry and I imagine I will be recommending this book for many years to come.

Feb. 1, 2025

“Holding truth and love together in ministry”

(Review written for 'Both/And Ministry')

Ministry isn’t an either/or calling—it’s both/and. This book explores the balance between preaching and pastoring, doctrine and discipleship, truth and love. It’s not just theory—it’s about real, practical ministry that holds tightly to the Word while caring deeply for people.

Jan. 1, 2025

“Useful ministry resource”

(Review written for 'Both/And Ministry')

This book dives into the tension of the Christian life where there are often many things we are holding at one time seeking to balance appropriately as we live out our faith.
As I read through this book there were many conversations I remember having with our staff team when I was on staff with a campus ministry. I thought about how this book could have been a useful resource for our team as a way to start the conversation and discuss different topics.
Some of the examples Miller discusses I thought were great while others I found myself wanting more from the example. However, if you were planning to go through this with a ministry team you are on, this I think works well because it does provide that opportunity to be a conversation starter but isn’t the end place.
At the end of each chapter, there is a quiz in which you can rank your views and what was discussed in the chapter. This looks much better in the print format than the ebook format since the pages line up in the print format. In the ebook format, I did find myself being confused initially until I compared to the print version and saw how they lined up which in my opinion allowed for some of the questions/rankings to make more sense overall.
A quote I thought summed up the idea of the book well is “The health of our Christian life depends on both remembering who we are in Christ (Spirit-created, indwelt and empowered people who are already like Jesus in lots of ways) and seeing the ways in which we continue to live in ways which don’t fit with who we are (because of our sinful muscle memory and unruly desires). We need to look in the mirror and see both of these things at the same time.”

Jan. 1, 2025

“A Transformative Guide for Navigating Leadership Challenges”

(Review written for 'Both/And Ministry')

Both/And Ministry is a must-read for anyone navigating the challenges of ministry. Miller does an incredible job unpacking the paradoxes leaders often face—balancing boldness with humility, truth with grace, and structure with flexibility. Instead of offering quick fixes, the book invites readers to embrace these tensions as opportunities for spiritual growth and impactful leadership.

What sets this book apart is its blend of biblical wisdom, practical advice, and real-life examples. Miller’s insights are both convicting and encouraging, providing a framework for navigating the complexities of ministry with integrity and reliance on God.

I found the tone to be both thoughtful and relatable, making it easy to apply the lessons to real-world ministry challenges. This book doesn’t just offer tools for leadership; it points readers back to the ultimate source of strength and wisdom—our faith in Christ.

If you’re in ministry and seeking a deeper understanding of how to lead faithfully in a world full of complexities, Both/And Ministry is a powerful resource. Highly recommended!

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Both/And Ministry (ebook) | Gary Millar |