Story Trails are a great way to share the Gospel with unchurched members of your community as well as lots of fun as people get outside, get active, and get reading! Here at The Good Book Company we’ve got various engaging Easter story trails, all linked with one of our popular kids books. Here’s more information on what they are, why they’re great, and how to use them. ... continue reading
I worked with Tim as the editor on Life with Jesus—and I couldn’t help thinking that this sort of material would be perfect for the tweens and teens in my church youth group. It’s just the right balance between biblical (with a Bible study setting the agenda for each session) and topical (with a practical focus that feels real and relevant).... continue reading
For a long time, I wanted to be someone who runs. Over the years, I’d watched several family members and friends lace up their running shoes, bound out of the house and down the road, and return sometime later looking sweaty but invigorated. I’d like to be that person, I thought. But I’d tried it once. Maybe twice. And running was not something I did. Perhaps you feel something similar about spending time in God’s word. You know of friends or family members who make a hot drink and withdraw to a quiet room with their Bible in the morning, and emerge, sometime later, looking serene but invigorated. I’d like to be that person, you think. You’ve tried it once or twice or even a whole bunch of times over the years—or perhaps it was something you used to do regularly, but now you’re out of the habit. Reading the Bible is not something you do.
But it can be.... continue reading
The start of a new year brings a fresh beginning, inspiring many of us to reflect on our lives and consider what we might do differently. As people everywhere set goals to improve as spouses, parents, friends, and professionals, the culture of self-improvement reaches an all-time high – often accompanied by a wave of striving and stress.... continue reading
Whether you’re just beginning your walk with God or you’ve been following him for a long time, it’s important to remain grounded in his word. As the new year approaches, full of challenges and resolutions, maintaining that close relationship is essential. So, for both the new believer and the seasoned Christian, we have compiled a list of devotionals that will grow your faith... continue reading
We all want to spend regular time reading the Bible, but for some of us the relationship is… complicated. Take our quiz to find out your quiet time personality!... continue reading
It’s been another great year for The Good Book Company! Let’s take a look back and celebrate how God has used our books to encourage Christians and their church families to keep going, keep growing, and keep sharing their faith.... continue reading
Reading is one of life’s many pleasures. It transports us to places and times, and into the lives of people and cultures that we would never experience were it not for the talent and imagination of the writers we enjoy so much.... continue reading
Kindness in dialogue is powerful, especially when we are speaking with someone we disagree with.
Kindness opens up not only relational doors but intellectual doors. In other words, it helps us not only to like each other more but to understand each other better.... continue reading
We are so excited to announce that two books, Peace over Perfection, designer Drew McCall, and C is For Christian, illustrated by Emma Skerratt, have won 2024 ECPA Top Shelf Awards. ... continue reading